Crafting an RSM – Part 2
First things first: If you haven’t checked out this article about Why Broad Content Doesn’t Work for YouTubers, you probably want to start there. It’s worth it, trust me.
The number 1 thing you can do to make your YouTube effort pay off is: craft an RSM.
A Rock Solid Message.
Here’s how:
The Deadliest Mistake When Making Content
Let’s say you have a fashion YouTube channel and you need to come up with a good message to attract subscribers.
Most creators will come up with something like:
‘Subscribe today for the latest fashion trends!’
‘I’ve been doing fashion for 5 years and I’m an expert in this field’
‘I can show you how to style like a pro, just like we’ve done for thousands of viewers’
Look around YouTube and you’ll see this type of content EVERYWHERE.
Here’s the major problem with it:
It’s B-O-R-I-N-G.
Generic. Doesn’t stand out. Doesn’t get your viewer’s blood running hot. Doesn’t even register when your ideal subscriber scans videos.
How do I know?
Because the competition can say the exact same thing.
The First Element Of Your RSM
When I tell people that ‘being boring’ is a big content problem, they usually start thinking about ways to make their stuff outrageous.
Lasershows, blinking lights, airhorn noises, confetti, maybe also throw a flamethrower in there for good measure.
That’s not what I mean.
Oil changes are very boring to me. But if my car is telling me that it’s almost time to get my oil changed? All of a sudden it shoots to the top of my list of things that are interesting.
And the same applies to your fashion YouTube channel from earlier. You might be very passionate about fashion but if your viewer is just looking for quick tips on what’s in style this season?
They open up YouTube and what do they see?
‘Learn about the latest fashion trends’
‘Top 10 fashion tips for summer’
‘Dress to impress with these 10 summer outfits’
All of that stuff doesn’t cut it. Because it doesn’t step into THEIR world. The world of your viewer.
And you know what their main question is about this fashion thing?
“How can I look good without spending hours?”
So if you want to make it interesting for them, you come up with something like:
‘Get Ready For This Summer in 10 Minutes’ with a SIMPLE thumbnail showing the latest outfits or pieces.
That’s a great start for a message. It’s not an RSM yet, but at least we’re making progress.
You don’t fix ‘the boring problem’ by being outrageous.
You fix ‘the boring problem’ by thinking about your viewer, stepping into their world, entering the conversation going on in their mind.
That’s only one element though. A great RSM usually has three, so we still have two more to go.
We’ll talk about those in the next article in this series.
Talk soon,
P.S. Want to see a solid RSM example in the meantime?
Get in touch with our team today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your channel and your content, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call. No cost, no obligation. If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics. Sounds good? Then fill out this form: